On the occasion of the Venice Glass Week and of the 58th International Art Exhibition in Venice, Cramum presents the exhibition “Soffi” curated by Sabino Maria Frassà.
In this show until the end of November you can understand the strong connection between Laura de Santillana’s and Franco Mazzucchelli’s works. Despite the strong difference in materials used, glass and plastic, both the artists share the fact that their works are generated by air.
In Italian indeed “Soffio” means both breath and blow. “Soffio” is an element which has always accompanied our culture: in Genesis God “breathed (life) into his nostrils and man became a living soul”. In Botticelli, the wind gives life to Aphrodite. Finally, we can not but mention “air” as a work of art in itself in the “Bodies of Air” (Corpi di Aria) by Manzoni. In the same way Mazzucchelli and de Santillana consider the “the breath of air” as a unique and essential element which can transform the “raw” material giving it life, order and definite shape. Until air is not blown and imprisoned inside, Mazzucchelli’s works are shapeless plastic material. In the same way, the famous “Deflated” (Sgonfiati) or the “Faithful” (Fedeli) by Laura de Santillana would not exist without being first blown-glass volumes.
Even though both artists pay attention to the harmony and the balance of the final work, it is the “soffio” that become so important in the artistic process as to determine the final work itself. The artists can not but wait and abandon themselves to the unpredictability and the mystery of the process started, which will be completed only … because of the “soffio”.
On the occasion of this art exhibition Cramum worked out a limited edition paper printed in 300 copies and 20 ones, signed by both the artists. In order to ask and buy one of these “art papers” you should write to Cramum: infocramum@gmail.com