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10 premi + 4 Congressi: le novità della Fondazione Giorgio Pardi

By 30 Luglio 2013Aprile 3rd, 2017Salute
[fblike layout=”standard” action=”like” font=”lucida+grande” colorscheme=”light”] [margin10]Prima di partire per le ferie, prendete nota: la Fondazione Giorgio Pardi continua a lavorare per combattere la fuga di cervelli all’estero! Pronti 10 premi e 4 congressi nei prossimi mesi.

Fate attenzione alle scadenze dei bandi e congressi!

[fancy_link link=”” variation=”copper” textColor=”#8a042a”]SCOPRI CHI SONO GLI 80 GIOVANI RICERCATORI SUPPORTATI DALLA FONDAZIONE GIORGIO PARDI[/fancy_link]


SGI 2014 (a Firenze) scadenza 11 ottobre 2013 – 10 premi

The Giorgio Pardi Foundation President’s Presenter’s AwardsThe Giorgio Pardi Foundation (FGP) President’s Presenter’s Awards will give a check in the amount of $3,000 to the winner of the SGI-Pardi Distinguished Scientist Award.  Additionally, the Giorgio Pardi Foundation will recognize the 4 (four) best abstracts for oral presentation in the President’s New Investigator Plenary Session presented by junior researchers still in training.  The scope of the awards is to recognize their effort and to support further research.  The Giorgio Pardi Foundation has generously funded all of the awards.  A committee will select the four presentations.  Each awardee will receive a certificate and a check for $1,500.

Finally, The Giorgio Pardi Foundation will give 5 “Giorgio Pardi Travel Awards” for $600.00 each to 5 young, worthy investigators from Italian Universities to assist them with travel to the 2014 SGI Annual Meeting in Florence, Italy.  To receive the awards, all 10-award winners will have to send their curriculum vitae and a photo to the SGI office in Annapolis, Maryland prior to the meeting.  This information will be published on the Giorgio Pardi Foundation website and, they need to be registered on the free network FGPRICERCA website of the Giorgio Pardi Foundation:



27 settembre 2013: “Terapia dell’incontinenza urinaria da sforzo: attualità e controversie” – Ospedale Luigi Sacco di Milano, Direttore Scientifico – i. Cetin; iscrizione entro il 5 settembre [download_link link=”” variation=”steelblue” target=”blank”]Scarica il programma[/download_link]


12 ottobre 2013: MORTALITA’ MATERNA E PREVENZIONE DEL RISCHIO IN SALA PARTO [download_link link=”” variation=”steelblue” target=”blank”]Scarica il programma[/download_link]

6 febbraio 2014: SIMP “One day on preeclampsia” – Organizzatori: Donzelli, Ettore, Cetin. SITO SIMP